Youth Committees 2024

Focuses on using data analysis to identify and address social justice issues, helping to create more equitable solutions for the community.

Sample Projects: Social Equity Datathon, Kaggle Competition Training.

Works on initiatives to promote water sustainability and educate the community about water conservation practices.

Sample Projects: Alviso Water Community Events, Flood Prevention Model.

Dedicated to preserving and celebrating the cultural and historical heritage of the community through various educational projects.

Sample Projects: Publishing Historical Books, Hosting Cultural Festivals.

Youth Policy & Civic Engagement Committee

Empowers youth to engage in civic activities and influence local policy, fostering a sense of responsibility and leadership.

Sample Projects: Advocacy for Measure E, Participation in Local Water Boards.

Utilizes art and media as tools for social change, creating public installations and media projects that raise awareness of key community issues.

Sample Projects: Santa Clara Park Murals, Alviso Documentary.

Promotes physical and mental health within the community by organizing wellness programs and events that encourage healthy lifestyles.

Sample Projects: Gardening Camps, Wellness Training Workshops.

Environmental Justice Committee

Focuses on addressing environmental inequalities and ensuring that all community members have access to a clean and healthy environment.

Sample Projects: Alviso Environmental Impact Study, Community Air Quality Monitoring.

AI For Good Committee

Explores the ethical use of artificial intelligence to solve community challenges, with a focus on promoting social good through technology.

Sample Projects: AI Training Events, Developing AI Tools for Community Needs.